Thursday, January 17, 2013

a star file

to my fellow blog readers no one can do anything like you . rise up show them what you can do because there is one thing you can do better. doesn't matter if or big tall or can't spell. there is one thing you can do better.who cares if you do have little friends .1 reason im blogging is to motovate others like my self . no one can chage you you are you no one else . don't put yourself down rise up show your true talents.

thank you to all of you who reads my blog. enjoy life.belive me its hard to fit in.

Monday, January 7, 2013

a star file

quote of the week

be yourself there is something that you can do better than any other listen to the inward voice and bravely obey that

recipe of the week

aloha slipper  in a blender combine 1 cup of pineapple [drained] teaspoon of lemon juice and a cup of orange sorbet

a star's  week

don't you hate when people start talking about you it gets annoying no one what to hear you no one likes you shut up man send comments with any problem . i had a terrible week yesterday i was chasing someone because they got n my nerves and a person came they where in the way i slapped them in the face they deserved that because they also gets on my nerves well for the person i was chasing poor them attacked by a girl . thats what they get don't mess with me.

              by for now,
                               a star

Thursday, January 3, 2013

a star file

quote of the week

a year from now, you may wish you had started today

recipe of the week

Pb&b shake
1big spoonful of peanut butter
1scoop of vanilla ice cream
1 banana
1/2 cup of milk  then blend put into a cup and enjoy

happy new year to all!!!!!

hope you enjoyed you Christmas
please watch wings by macklemore

a star out